Groupcall Messenger is the system of choice for over 5,000 primary and secondary schools within the UK and Europe.
Messenger enables schools to contact parents, staff and students quickly, efficiently and cost-effectively ensuring messages are delivered to the right person at the right time. Messenger also provides a choice of communication paths for your messages including:
SMS Text
Over 7.5 Million text messages sent out by schools using Messenger across the UK every month. Parents have the ability to respond to text messages sent from the school in the same way they would with a normal text message.

Messages can be sent via email which are unlimited and free of charge. Great for sending school newsletters and saving money instead of using paper, ink and time, not to mention relying on the newsletter getting home in the first place!

Voice messages
You can record your voice directly into Messenger and send the recorded message quickly and easily to recipients' landlines or mobiles. You are also able to use the text-to-speech feature if you do not wish to record your own voice.

Social media
With Messenger's built-in Twitter integration, you are also able to ‘tweet’ your messages directly through the system, ensuring you maximise your school’s social media presence and get your message across quickly.