We are all thrilled to have been shortlisted for two Bett Awards this year. This reflects just how hard everyone at Groupcall has worked to deliver invaluable solutions, fantastic customer support and innovative, forward-thinking ideas.
The first award that we have been shortlisted for is the ICT Leadership and Management Solutions award, for Groupcall Emerge. Emerge gives teachers their school’s MIS in the palm of their hand, allowing them to access it anytime, anywhere. They can complete registration in a fraction of the time it would take using paper, plus view information about individual students without taking files and folders with them on school trips. Its offline operation is also ideal for PE lessons.
Emerge also allows teachers to record behavior, achievement notes, input video and photographic evidence, so whether someone is in trouble for graffiti or an amazing goal is scored in a match, it can be recorded. To learn more about Emerge, including its dinner register, fire register, and emergency ‘help me’ button features click here.
We’ve also been shortlisted for the ICT Innovator of the Year award for Groupcall Xpressions. Xpressions is the brand new Groupcall app that gives parents the ability to receive push notifications about their child’s school life directly to their mobile device. It saves the school time and money because push notifications can be scheduled and are completely free to send.
Schools can also customise exactly how much and what information is available for parents to see in their notification timeline. Some of the things it can include are: attendance records, absences, marks, achievements, behavioural events, a child’s timetable and the school calendar. Plus, it’s multi-lingual! Parents can also respond to these notifications meaning they are always easily engaged, which we know is proven to improve attainment. You can learn more about Groupcall Xpressions here.
We would like to congratulate all of the other fantastic companies who have been shortlisted for a Bett Award. The full list can be seen here. Now we just have to wait till January to see what happens. Fingers crossed!