School Software

Over fifteen years ago, we were born from an inspired but simple idea: to transform home-school communications. Today, you’ll find our school software hard at work in over 18,000 primary and secondary schools across the length and breadth of the UK, improving engagement, enhancing productivity – and saving money. 

Groupcall Messenger for schools - one of the world's leading parental engagement tools


School communication system

Groupcall Messenger is one of the world’s leading parental engagement tools – our online messaging system keeps your parent community in touch, informed and updated.



Groupcall Emerge - access, view, manage and analyse your school's core MIS data


The school information management system

Access, view, manage and analyse your core MIS data – anytime, anywhere, on any computer or device, with Groupcall Emerge.


 GDPR Services


GDPR in Schools

Complete data protection monitoring and management for schools, helping you and your team achieve and maintain a whole new level of compliance.



Groupcall Xporter - secure third party application integration with your school's MIS

Xporter for Schools

Secure supplier access to your MIS, enabling integration for third-party applications ranging from homework to parental engagement systems with Groupcall Xporter.



Effective School Management

Why work with us?

We’re passionate about helping the UK’s schools to:

Groupcall solutions support schools' safeguarding procedures by providing instant access to vital data, including pupil medical records and emergency contacts.

Keep children safe


Groupcall helps UK schools' to increase efficiency.

Increase efficiency

Groupcall solutions are proven to boost attendance and increase parental engagement.

Boost school attendance


Groupcall enables schools' to always have access to vital school data. Wherever you are. Whenever you need it.

Access information easily

Groupcalls parental engagement solutions help schools keep parents informed, updated and included in the school community and in their child’s progress.

Enhance parental engagement


Groupcall solutions help UK schools to reduce ther admin burden.

Reduce the admin burden

Groupcall helps schools' to improve attainment.

Improve attainment


Groupcall solutions help schools improve the way they manage emergencies.

Manage school emergencies

Find out more

Get in touch today to find out more and to request a live demonstration of our products for schools.